woensdag 10 oktober 2007


In the hospital, we see addiction every day. It's shocking how many kinds of addiction exist. It would be too easy if it were just drugs and booze and cigarettes. I think the hardest part of kicking a habit is wanting to kick it. I mean, we get addicted for a reason, right? Often, too often, things that start out as just a normal part of your life at some point cross the line to obsessive, compulsive, out of control. It's the high we're chasing, the high that makes everything else fade away. The thing about addiction is: it never ends well. Because eventually, whatever it is that gets us high, stops feeling good, starts to hurt.
Still, they say you don’t kick the habit until you hit rock bottom, but how do you know when you’re there? Because no matter how badly a thing is hurting us, sometimes letting it go hurts even worse...

1 opmerking:

just me zei

eva'tje toch, soms doet loslaten pijn, maar misschien moet je wachten met loslaten tot er de klik komt van 'het is over'. Dit moment komt er waarschijnlijk wel ooit eens, zelfs bij jouw ellenlange verslaving ;)
Wie weet zoek je het gekwetst worden wel op met die massochistische trekjes :p